IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN Sunday April 7th 1996 Worked All Ireland Award Scheme The Worked All Ireland Awards Manager Steve Wright EI5DD has announced the granting of the following awards. Award number 001 goes to IRTS VHF Manager John Desmond EI7GL who has qualified for the Basic, Bronze and Silver with an outstanding total of 511 squares worked. Award number 002 goes to Dave Moore EI4BZ who has qualified for the Basic and Bronze awards with 344 squares. Basic award number 003 is awarded to Noel Mulvihill EI6HW, number 004 to Danny Bonnar EI6GS, number 005 to Brian Tansey EI5HV and number 006 to Peter Grant EI4HX. Congratulations to all. Applicants are asked to submit their claims in the form of a print out in EI County order followed by GI County order. For endorsements, only list the new squares and new islands being claimed. The cost of the award is five pounds plus an IRC for postage while each endorsement will cost two pounds including postage. All claims should be sent to the Award Manager, Steve Wright EI5DD, 18 Sylvan Avenue, Fairlands, Galway. ________________________________ Limerick Radio Club AGM At the Limerick Radio Clubs Annual General Meeting held on March the 24th, the following officers and committee were elected: Chairman-Dermot EI2GT Secretary-Brian EI9AL Treasurer-Tony EI2AW Committee-Eamonn EI5AJ, Paul EI6FE, Dave EI2AMB and Robbie EI8ESB. The QSL Manager is Alan EI8EM and the AREN co-ordinator is Tony EI8EWB. The club is grateful to Jim EI3DP, President IRTS for his attendance at the 50th anniversary lunch and for chairing the Region 4 meeting. Thanks also to Dave EI4BZ for providing the IRTS Bookstall, to the many traders who travelled from far and near and to the members and public who were in attendance and made the occasion such a memorable one. ________________________________ IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest Dont forget that the IRTS two metres counties contest will be held tomorrow Easter Monday, April 8th from 1400 to 1600utc. Many counties should be active and we ask anybody who can to go out to their nearest hilltop for the two hours. The full rules are published on page 10 in the current IRTS Newsletter. ________________________________ Shannon River Run Crews for the Shannon River Run will by now be putting together the final touches on gear, antennas and navigation charts in anticipation of next weekends event. Six cruisers with a total of thirty six operators will be active along the river and we hear that some local operators will be joining in to boost activity even further. On 80 metres, operation will be on the WAI net frequency of 3670kHz, though if things get busy, stations may move plus or minus of this frequency. On 40 metres, operation will centre on 7070kHz, while on 20 metres, the frequency will be 14270kHz. On two metres, S21 will be used both for inter-boat links and simplex contacts. An Award Certificate is available to all stations who work five or more of the special event stations who have the suffix SRR in their callsign. A station may be counted more than once provided it is worked on a different band or mode. For example, EI5SRR worked on 80m SSB, 80m CW and 20m SSB would count three times. The award is free and you simply send details of your QSOs with an A4 addressed envelope to Paul EI2CA QTHR. Class B licencees should particularly note that the award is available for 2m portable or mobile operation. The success of the event will depend on the level of interest created abroad and we would particularly ask active HF stations to spread the word before and during the event, both about the activity and the award. Activities will commence at 1800 local time on Friday next the 12th and conclude at 1800 local on Sunday. All callsigns in the series EI2SRR through to EI9SRR should be active over the weekend. Up to date operating schedules will be available from net control stations and also on the Internet at newsgroup Information from Paul Martin EI2CA at 01-4900637 office hours. ________________________________ IRTS AGM & Dinner Tickets for the IRTS Annual Dinner to be held in Jurys Hotel in Ballsbridge on Saturday April 27th are now available, priced at twenty two pounds. Anyone who needs tickets or wants overnight accommodation in Ballsbridge should contact Brendan O'Kane EI4CYB at 01-8463865. The weekends activities are being hosted by Fingal Radio Club. _______________________________ Items for inclusion in both the Radio News and Newsletter can be faxed to 021-632730. The Radio News Editor, John EI7DNB, can be contacted at 021-353988 in the evening and the Newsletter Editor, Dave EI4BZ is at 021- 632444 during the day and 021-883555 in the evening. Mail can be sent on packet to either EI7DNB or EI4BZ on cluster or at the EI7DKB BBS or on Internet to